

Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

Help us Name our New Mules

We have 2 new additions to the Wild Idaho and Flying J Outfitters team (actually we have more but these are the only 2 I have pictures of right now). Anyway, they came without names and it sure seems such a shame as they are great looking and nice mules

Idaho Spring Bear Hunting Season Officially Opens

Today is the day we have waited all winter for! It is officially Idaho spring bear hunting season. If you are not hunting with us (which we obviously hope you are) then hope you are hunting with another Idaho bear hunting outfitter.

2011 Idaho Spring Bear Season Underway

This years season started off with Eric Weese from Erda, Utah scoring on a beautiful Chocolate boar. Week 2 saw Colby Downs from Louisiana shoot a geriatric bear (can't wait to find out the age on this one) Then the RMEF gang from Bowling Green, Kentucky scored on 2 very nice boars before heading home.

2010 Idaho Hunting Season Comes to a Close

Hunting season in Idaho’s backcountry unit 27 comes to an official close on November 18 and this year the snow began to roll in about then. So after 2 days of packing out camp it was time to chain up and haul livestock over the pass to winter quarters and begin the drying out of tents, tack and equipment. Riding in to pack camp after the last hunter leaves is always sort of a bitter sweet journey.

2010 Idaho Spring Bear Hunt Ends

The 2010 Idaho spring bear hunt is officially over, the last baits have been pulled, camp is torn down until fall and we are knee deep in packing our summer stuff in Utah already! This years spring bear season was amazing! With lots of bears, lots of color phase and lots of opportunities...some missed and some not. Check out some of our trailcam photos when you get a minute.

Show Season is Almost Here.

Next weekend January 29,30 and 31st we will be at the HUNTIN’ TIME EXPO in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We will be there offering our Idaho stuff along with our Utah outdoor activities through Flying J outfitters, our sister company.