

Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

Fall Bear Season Is Looking Good

Hunter with black bear
If you haven’t made plans for fall yet, maybe a fall bear hunt in Idaho’s famous Frank Church Wilderness Area is just the ticket. Cameras on our spring bear bait sites were loaded with color phase bears this year. We weren’t sure if it was the mild winter or simply the bear population just continues to grow, but the fact is, the numbers and color variety both on camera and killed this spring was incredible. The bears were out and hungry. We left far more on camera than were harvested so fall is looking extra good this year as well.

Celebrating 20 Years Making Memories in Idaho

By hook or by crook, we have made it to our twentieth year in business. We just finished our 19th season here at Wild Idaho Outfitters and as we head into our twentieth season in the “Frank” I may have to suggest that it was probably more possible by the grace of God and the many wonderful hunters that we have met along the way that we have reached this milestone.

Looking ahead to 2021

As the sun set on the 2020 Idaho elk and deer hunting seasons, and since our emails were down, we took some time to reflect on this past year and the craziness that has consumed 2020, the thought that always puts a smile on our face is looking forward to next hunting season and next year’s backcountry adventures!

Idaho Controlled-Hunt Application Period Now Open for Elk, Deer, Antelope, and Fall Bear

The tag application period in Idaho for controlled-hunt elk, deer, pronghorn, and fall bear tags runs from May 1 to June 5. Successful applicants will be notified by July 10, and tags must be purchased by August 1. Tags not purchased by August 1 will be forfeited to a second application period, which runs from August 5 to August 15.

Bear Rifles

Conversations about bear rifles, or any species-specific rifle, seem to start and end with cartridge selection. There is much more to a rifle however, than the chamber.

2020 Idaho Spring Bear Season Means Bear Baiting Season as Well!

With the official opener of Idaho’s 2020 backcountry spring bear seasons just about 1 month away, now is the time to get prepared by getting your bear bait at an affordable price while supplies last. There are a lot of places to get bear bait, but only one place that can sell it as affordably priced as this. All our baits are priced at 20 cents per pound and are packaged in manageable sized packing from 35-pound buckets of peanut butter to 30 pound boxes of jellied candies.

Not too soon to start thinking about next year

Well, it appears that Idaho has been rediscovered. That can be a good or a bad thing, depending which side of the fence you are standing on. This year’s nonresident tags in the units we guide, Area 27 and 28, sold out in record time and according to the fish and game commission, they seem pretty bent on reducing the amount of nonresident tags available in the future further exacerbating the tag acquisition process. Thankfully and gratefully, we as a licensed Idaho hunting outfitter are allotted a certain amount of guaranteed elk tags and outfitters in general have access to deer tag set asides.

Rediscover Idaho

By now all the western states’ draws are out and odds are good you didn’t draw a tag. Well, neither did most of the people who play the draw game. Maybe it is time to give Idaho an honest chance look see.

Fall Bear Hunting Season is just around the corner

It seems like just yesterday that we were riding in to set spring bear baits and yet we are already talking about what baits to set for this fall, preparing camp and laying in more bear bait for this year’s fall bear hunt.