

Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

Happy Thanksgiving from Idaho!

I hope if you are reading this on Thanksgiving Day, you are enjoying some quiet time with family, have a full belly of Thanksgiving turkey and are just taking a few minutes to sit back and reflect on all that is wonderful in your life. If you are reading it after Thanksgiving, I hope your day was full of fun.

Idaho Fall Bear Hunt is Just Around the Corner

With snow on the peaks this morning and seeming as though we were just packing out spring bear camp, here it is time for fall bear hunting season in Central Idaho’s Frank Church River of No Return wilderness area. We hunt area 27 which is a 2 bear area with high percentage color phase bears and reduced pricing on nonresident tags. We still have just a few spots left for this fall, so if you have not gotten all your hunting plans made, come join us.

Spot Available for Late Season Idaho Mule Deer Hunt in the Rut

Putting in for draw hunts in multiple states, at first glance, seems like it would increase your odds of drawing a tag…and you would be right…BUT it also increases your chances at drawing the potentially unwanted scenario of drawing 2 tags in 2 states and being married to a woman who only allows 1 hunt per year

Are You Going Hunting this Year?

By now most of you should have gotten that “lump of coal” we call the draw results for our western big game hunting adventures. That hope of drawing for that “special” tag we seem to continually wait for. If your results looked like mine and read “unsuccessful” for all species applied, don’t lose hope. I know I have said it a lot and am saying it again…Idaho is the best kept secret in the hunting world today.

New Idaho Youth Deer Hunting Opportunity

Because of some recent changes in antlerless deer tags allowed in our area and recent Idaho laws changed involving private lands, Idaho and specifically Wild Idaho Outfitters is able to offer a new and unique youth deer hunting opportunity.

Wild Idaho’s Spring Bear Season OFFICIALLY Arrives!

It can only mean one thing when we are hauling hay, chained up in the old Dodge over high mountain passes, shoeing horses at the trailhead and crossing rising rivers, all in the same day!

Bulk Bear Bait for a Successful Spring Bear Hunt

We have begun selling bear bait at our Challis, Idaho location. We are excited about the possibilities of being a “one stop shop” for all things bear hunting and bear baiting related. We have been baiting bears in the Idaho backcountry for ten seasons now and have constantly worked to improve our system of baiting and over time have developed what we believe is a very “complete” system for baiting and are excited to share our system of scents, sprays and bulk baits.

Idaho Outdoor Adventure Auction Is Up and Running

If you have ever wanted to explore Idaho’s outdoors , now may be a great time to get a great “deal” on that outdoor adventure you have always wanted. Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association (IOGA) is auctioning off 7 outdoor adventures at

Idaho Spring Bear Season “Officially” Opens in Backcountry Units

It is almost time for my second favorite time of year…spring bear season! It “officially” opens in many back country units like where we guide in the Middlefork zone on April 1st. I say officially as that is when it does open, but with this years late and heavy snowfalls, I am confident the bears will not be waking from their winter slumber for at least a few more weeks, at least at our elevations.