

Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

Rut Mule Deer Hunt Opportunity

Three Mule Deer November 2023
By some strange twist of fate, oversight, or whatever you might want to call it we are down to the wire and find ourselves with 2 tags for a 2024 Controlled Mule Deer Hunt for 2 in November.

Fall Bear Season Is Looking Good

Hunter with black bear
If you haven’t made plans for fall yet, maybe a fall bear hunt in Idaho’s famous Frank Church Wilderness Area is just the ticket. Cameras on our spring bear bait sites were loaded with color phase bears this year. We weren’t sure if it was the mild winter or simply the bear population just continues to grow, but the fact is, the numbers and color variety both on camera and killed this spring was incredible. The bears were out and hungry. We left far more on camera than were harvested so fall is looking extra good this year as well.

One Door Closes, Another One Opens

Deer in velvet
It’s July already. Besides being the month with probably the second most important holiday celebration of the year, it’s the month when most western states hunting tag draw results are out (except maybe some antlerless tags) and, as usual, you drew tag soup. Nothing, zilch, nada. What to do about hunting this fall now?

Save Big on Idaho Spring Bear Hunts

This year marks our twentieth season here in Idaho and we are celebrating with 20 percent off on our Idaho spring bear hunts! We love what we do and love sharing the woods with hunters from all over and hope to continue for another 20 plus years of guiding bear hunters. Can you even imagine saving 20 percent on a bear hunt? Ha ha We truly love spring bear season

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
From the “catch and hold” gang along with the guide and packing crew at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We genuinely hope that as you gather around with family and friends during this Holiday season, that you will have time to reflect on many or all of your past public land excursions while possibly dreaming and planning towards your next outdoor adventure on public land.

Avoid the December 1 Black Friday Idaho Nonresident Tag Sale: Book with an Idaho Outfitter

If you have hunted Idaho in recent years or are intending to this year, you probably know that Idaho’s nonresident deer and elk tags go on sale December 1. This year it just happens to fall on a Friday. We have heard from hunters and some Idaho Fish and Game personnel that it can be quite the “Black Friday” adventure trying to get in line (online or in person) to get your chance at an Idaho nonresident elk or deer tag.

Ode to the Good Ones

Jack and Sally hard at work.
Sally was found dead with her head in the feeder on March 24, 2023. Jack had to be put down a week and a day later. He had been having trouble getting up for a while but with his sister Sally gone, he apparently lost his will to stand. When George bought Wild Idaho Outfitters in 2005, included in the purchase was livestock (horses and mules). Part of this livestock was a pair of Percheron mules named Jack and Sally. They were supposedly around the age of 20 at that time.

Merry Christmas from Idaho!

Merry Christmas 2022
As the sun set on a crisp evening in our upper camp overlooking the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness on November 18, the realization hit that our 2022 Idaho elk, deer and bear season had just come to an end.

This past month has flown by and as we inch up on the end of 2022, we can’t help but look back at an amazing year

Coming of Age (Meet Our Newest Guide)

Wyley and his first hunter.
Most of you know Wyley and many of you have watched him grow up in hunting camp helping his mom pack drop camps, pack bear bait, hauling firewood, feeding livestock or simply setting up camp. His smile and laughter are always a welcome sight and sound in hunting camp. It appears his career choice was made for him long before he even knew what it would be.