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Successful 2022 spring drop camp bear hunter

Why book an Idaho Spring Bear Season Drop Camp?

Winter of 2023 is a LONG one! Most are itching to get out, longing for spring. We are thinking about camping, fishing, hiking, and hunting. Winter has been a drag on physical and mental capacities.

Maybe you are dreaming of getting away from electronics and crowds and going hunting, and hunting season is a lifetime away. But is it? What about an Idaho Spring Bear Drop Camp??? It’s as close as a few weeks away, not months! How about a horseback ride to be dropped in a fully set up camp deep in the wilderness? A camp surrounded by beauty with a dry canvas tent, warm wood stove, cots, pads, cook stove, dishes, and pre-set bear baits! Complete with no cell service, no electronics, or any people in sight for a week or even two!

You can spend your days exploring and fishing, spot and stalking for predators – coyotes, mountain lions, wolves, and bear. In the evenings you can hunt a bear bait. You’ll be surrounded by mountains, big skies, flowers bursting forth, and wildlife, including deer, elk, and moose. At night you can see stars like you’ll experience in few other places. There is certainly no light pollution! You can not only see the milky way (80% of Americans are unable to see the Milky Way Galaxy from where they live) but also zillions of stars and so many constellations you'll want to brush up on them before you arrive! You'll experience the subliminal relaxing scent of the pines as well as the calming sight and sound of campfires and rushing creeks.

You can fully slip into what we affectionately call “Mountain Time”! Idaho Spring Bear in a drop camp means you have no timelines! You can sleep in, eat breakfast at noon, hunt until 10pm, stare into the stars and/or the fire until 2 in the morning! Or you can leave before daylight and climb an open ridge, scan the country fervently with your optics and put the stalk on a predator. Our area is loaded with color phase bears, beautiful blondes, cinnamons, chocolates, and inky blacks with chevrons. Our area is not easy but rewardingly rugged - well worth the time and effort.Spring Drop Camp

So, despair no more! Winter is a week away from being over! Spring is here! Get out of the office, get off the couch! Make plans to get out in the woods sooner than later! You can hunt now AND this fall! Lose yourself for a week or more with no one telling you what to do, no hustle, no bustle. Listen to a silence so big it’ll make you feel insignificant. Your only limitation will be yourself!

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