

Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

Don’t be a fool this April 1. Get out and hunt Idaho spring bears and apply for a trophy species.

April 1 is the beginning of a lot of cool things here in Idaho. It is the official beginning day of the backcountry spring bear seasons and it is the day to begin the application process for Idaho trophy species. Idaho defines trophy species as Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats and Moose. If you have the desire to hunt one of these species in Idaho this year, it is time to put in your application.

Old Glory is flying in the Frank

If Old Glory is flying in the Frank, it can only mean one thing: the 2016 Idaho fall hunting seasons are open and underway for all to enjoy. We have begun with our fall bear hunting season here in the backcountry units. Most of the Front Range Units’ archery season opened on August 30.

The 2016 Idaho fall hunting seasons are almost here

We are just a few short days away from the 2016 fall hunting season here in Idaho. August 30 is the opener of most fall bear hunting units along with statewide general archery season for elk and deer. Here in Central Idaho’s wilderness backcountry units, we are fortunate to enjoy a two-month long rifle season, so our first opener is bear season and we are getting ready. Our first baits have now been set, camps are getting readied, and firewood is being cut and stacked and come next Tuesday we will welcome our first fall 2016 hunters here at Wild Idaho Outfitters.

Looking Forward to Idaho Units 27 & 28 Fall 2016 Hunts

It seems like just yesterday we were pulling out of spring bear camp and here it is now the middle of August. We are only days away from setting baits, 2 weeks away from fall bear season and one month away from all our fall combo hunts.

First Hunting Season of 2016 Opens

Now that all the hoopla surrounding the Holidays are over and the New Year is officially underway, it is time to get down to the serious business of planning for all the hunting seasons the upcoming year will provide.

Non-Resident Licenses and Tags Went on Sale December 1st 2016

The word is out and Idaho has been rediscovered as an amazing big game hunting destination as nonresident deer tags and many elk zone tags sold out this year for the first time in about the last 8 years. Hunters are finally realizing that hunting out west does NOT need to be complicated: simply come to Idaho and buy your tags over the counter and go hunting…

The Results are In

People we know that put in for Utah draw hunts are beginning to see their credit cards hit for the respective amounts that would indicate success in drawing either a limited entry tag or one of many general season tags that require a draw now in the state of Utah. Gone are the good old days of over the counter or OTC tags in Utah

2015 Idaho Spring Bear Season Begins with a Trophy Class Bear

Our first official week of spring bear hunting in our backcountry unit 27 in Central Idaho began with a father son combo from Nebraska and when we went to sit a couple of baits within ear shot of each other, Cam (the son and youth hunter) and I were greeted by the sound of a rifle report just towards the end of legal light. With curiosity getting the best of us, we sprinted over to where his Dad Jeff had been sitting and he and his first year guide, Jacob Roy, were no where to be found.

April is the Time to Apply for Trophy Species Bighorn Sheep, Moose and Mountain Goat

Beginning April 1 you can apply for what Idaho terms as “trophy species” including bighorn sheep, mountain goat and moose. As much as I disdain having to draw for any hunting opportunity, these 3 species are rare enough that it is impossible to maintain a healthy herd AND offer an over the counter opportunity, so they regulate through a drawing process. The beauty, and yes I did say beauty, of Idaho’s draw......