29 May Time is Running Out to Apply for Idaho Controlled Hunt Tags May 29, 2020By George McQuiston (blog) Announcements, General Information Black Bear Hunts, Elk Hunts, Idaho Hunts, Idaho wilderness hunts, Mule Deer Hunts 0 The application deadline to apply for elk, deer, and pronghorn controlled hunts in Idaho is June 5th. Idaho does not use a bonus/preference point system for controlled hunts, so you have the same chance at drawing a tag as anyone else. All residents and nonresidents need to apply is a general hunting license and pay an application fee of $6.25 for residents and $14.75 for nonresidents, per species. The cost of the tag is not paid for until after you have drawn, which is a pretty fair deal compared to some of the other Western states that make you pay everything up front. If successful you will be notified by July 10, and the tag must be purchased by August 1.Wild Idaho Outfitters operates in Frank Church Wilderness Unit 27, which offers a late-season, unlimited controlled hunt for mule deer during the rut (Hunt 1017). This hunt runs November 1 – 18, and offers outstanding opportunity for large, mature bucks in the Middle Fork Salmon drainage. Nonresident tags are limited to 51 tags for this hunt however, so it’s not truly unlimited for them. Hunters may only apply for these tags as their first choice and during the first controlled-hunt, application period. Wild Idaho Outfitters receives outfitter allocation tags for the same hunt, but they are in short supply due to high demand. There are no controlled-hunt elk tags for Unit 27, as they are sold over the counter. There are still plenty of these elk tags left. The OTC deer season in Unit 27 runs from September 15 to October 31—a full 6 weeks.For detailed information and statistics on Idaho controlled hunts click on this link: https://idfg.idaho.gov/rules/big-gameGood hunting,Joe Cavanaugh Related Posts An Idaho Elk Hunt to Remember This is a “short” story about a hunter/client/friend of ours who is part of a group of guys we affectionately call the “Cali boys”. His name is Bill Bunch and someone in his group has hunted with us consistently for 11 straight seasons. He is one of those guys that in my opinion is a true sportsman. Let me explain. Idaho Controlled-Hunt Application Period Now Open for Elk, Deer, Antelope, and Fall Bear The tag application period in Idaho for controlled-hunt elk, deer, pronghorn, and fall bear tags runs from May 1 to June 5. Successful applicants will be notified by July 10, and tags must be purchased by August 1. Tags not purchased by August 1 will be forfeited to a second application period, which runs from August 5 to August 15. 10 Reasons Why Idaho is THE Best Place to Hunt in the West in 2014 1. Tags…Idaho has tags 2. Game…Idaho has always, and is doing even more so now, producing good QUALITY elk, deer and bear, and now we can even hunt wolves. Time to put in for some Idaho Spring Controlled Hunts Most people know my passion for Idaho is the fact we have over the counter (OTC) tags, but in certain areas and with certain species controlled hunts are needed for better control of wildlife management. Now is the time to put in for Idaho spring bear controlled hunts…that is if you are not choosing to hunt a general season area. Idaho OTC Elk Tags: Hurry or Be Left Out There is no other state in the Western US comparable to Idaho when it comes to providing you the opportunity to go elk hunting every year, using OTC (over-the-counter) tags. However, as controlled-hunt tags in neighboring states become increasingly difficult to draw, the demand for Idaho OTC tags has been increasing also. An example of this is the nonresident Salmon B elk tags, which sold out this year in just 3 days (Dec. 1–3, 2019), and resident tags sold out within a week of that. Why Hunt Idaho? Short answer. Because you can! Yup, that is the answer, because you can. As a sportsman/hunter first and an outfitter second, I cherish my opportunities to hunt out west and based on what I have discovered in my travels, reading the news and talking to hunters from all over the globe about hunting in “their” states, once again Idaho simply rises to the top as THE best place for an opportunity to hunt…bar none! Comment (0) Comments are closed.