
Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

The Results are In

375 inch BC 2014 bullPeople we know that put in for Utah draw hunts are beginning to see their credit cards hit for the respective amounts that would indicate success in drawing either a limited entry tag or one of many general season tags that require a draw now in the state of Utah. Gone are the good old days of over the counter or OTC tags in Utah. Everything is done by drawing these days. The good news is, if you do draw one of the limited entry tags, you do have a pretty good chance of harvested a “better than average” animal like this 375 inch bull taken last year in the Roadless area of the Book cliffs with Flying J Outfitters. If you are fortunate enough to draw a limited entry in the Roadless Book cliffs or Wasatch mountains limited entry area for elk or deer, you may want to contact them for success in your hunt. They also guide general season archery and rifle elk hunts in the High Uinta's wilderness area in Northeastern Utah as well as Rocky Mountain goat hunts in the Uinta's.

If you are one who put in for Utah or any other state for that matter and were one of the many who did NOT draw a tag, please keep in mind that Idaho has plenty of elk and deer tags still available. It is my fervent  belief that we will look back in a few years and realize that the period of time we are currently in will be called the “good old days” of mule deer hunting in Idaho. We and I imagine other outfitters as well as the general public, are harvesting exceptional mule deer bucks with OTC tags.

Contact us for more info if you have not cemented your hunting plans for this fall and beyond.

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