4 December Visit our Photo Gallery for a Recap of the exciting 2014 Idaho Adventures December 4, 2014By George McQuiston Announcements, Elk In Rut, General Information, Guided Hunts, Mule Deer, Spring Fall Black Bear Guided Hunts 0 They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe that is true and maybe it “ain’t,” but it is always fun to look back over the past year through pictures taken either by myself, our guides or even those shared by our hunting clients. It helps us relive some of the moments that makes our jobs as guides one of the most fulfilling jobs in the world (in my opinion of course). In looking through these photos to choose some to post, it seems like only yesterday we were putting our heads down to go to work setting bear baits in April and now it is already December with Christmas just around the corner. So please stop by and visit our gallery and if you see some photos you like I do hope you will tell us about them, if you hunted with us and don’t see some pictures you would like to share with the world, I do hope you will share them with us and if you want to find yourself in some of those photos in the future, I do hope you will book a hunt with us We are taking bookings for all of our 2015 hunts and are actually already booked full on a couple of weeks during spring bear season, so don’t wait. If you have been thinking about an Idaho adventure, maybe this is your year. I have said it before and will say it again, I truly believe Idaho is one of the best kept secrets in the hunting world. I say “Why Hunt Idaho?” answer “because you can!” In this western world of having to apply for tags, Idaho is one of, if not the only state left with over the counter tags (OTC Tags), liberal seasons (almost a month to hunt elk or deer with a rifle in some of the back country units and still having the ability to use bait and dogs when hunting bears. It is the ONLY state I know of where you can’t hunt elk, deer, bear, wolf and mountain lion all in the same timeframe and last but certainly not least, it has one of the best, if not THE best discount and incentive for youth hunters in the country! Related Posts 10 Reasons Why Idaho is THE Best Place to Hunt in the West in 2014 1. Tags…Idaho has tags 2. Game…Idaho has always, and is doing even more so now, producing good QUALITY elk, deer and bear, and now we can even hunt wolves. An Idaho Elk Hunt to Remember This is a “short” story about a hunter/client/friend of ours who is part of a group of guys we affectionately call the “Cali boys”. His name is Bill Bunch and someone in his group has hunted with us consistently for 11 straight seasons. He is one of those guys that in my opinion is a true sportsman. Let me explain. We are Currently Updating our Photo Gallery 2013 was an amazing year for us here at Wild Idaho Outfitters and even in Utah at Flying J Outfitters and we have just begun updating our gallery photos showing some of the great people, animals, and times we had outfitting in Idaho and Utah. Take a few minutes and stop by our gallery and check out some of the pictures from this past year. Avoid the December 1 Black Friday Idaho Nonresident Tag Sale: Book with an Idaho Outfitter If you have hunted Idaho in recent years or are intending to this year, you probably know that Idaho’s nonresident deer and elk tags go on sale December 1. This year it just happens to fall on a Friday. We have heard from hunters and some Idaho Fish and Game personnel that it can be quite the “Black Friday” adventure trying to get in line (online or in person) to get your chance at an Idaho nonresident elk or deer tag. Don’t be a fool this April 1. Get out and hunt Idaho spring bears and apply for a trophy species. April 1 is the beginning of a lot of cool things here in Idaho. It is the official beginning day of the backcountry spring bear seasons and it is the day to begin the application process for Idaho trophy species. Idaho defines trophy species as Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats and Moose. If you have the desire to hunt one of these species in Idaho this year, it is time to put in your application. Idaho OTC Elk Tags: Hurry or Be Left Out There is no other state in the Western US comparable to Idaho when it comes to providing you the opportunity to go elk hunting every year, using OTC (over-the-counter) tags. However, as controlled-hunt tags in neighboring states become increasingly difficult to draw, the demand for Idaho OTC tags has been increasing also. An example of this is the nonresident Salmon B elk tags, which sold out this year in just 3 days (Dec. 1–3, 2019), and resident tags sold out within a week of that. Comment (0) Comments are closed.