20 July Rediscover Idaho July 20, 2018By George McQuiston Elk In Rut, Fall Bear Season, Guided Hunts, Mule Deer, Wolf, Youth Black Bear Hunts, Elk Hunts, Idaho Hunts, Mule Deer Hunts, Wolf Hunts 0 By now all the western states’ draws are out and odds are good you didn’t draw a tag. Well, neither did most of the people who play the draw game. Maybe it is time to give Idaho an honest chance look see. Idaho is famous for over-the-counter tags, guaranteed elk tags for outfitters and OTC tags for most predators as well. It is also the only western state that I am aware of that you can hunt multiple species at the same time WITHOUT playing the draw game. Central Idaho is fast returning to the glory days of bygone years with healthy herds of elk, giant mule deer bucks and plenty of bears, wolves and mountain lions to chase around. The Salmon River mountains of Central Idaho are home to such an amazing variety of wildlife that it is hard to come here and not go home having seen some deer, elk, big horn sheep, moose or even mountain lions or wolves. By now you may have heard that 2 of my best guides/friends and I (George) got together and purchased a new area adjacent to our current operating area and yet still located in these amazing Salmon River mountains. The only difference is it’s on the edge of the wilderness versus inside the wilderness and much more conducive to horseback hunts! It is still a vast expanse of roadless real estate teaming with elk, deer, bears, wolves and many other varieties of wildlife. And although it may look like we are new to the game, we bring to the table almost 50 years of combined experience and we also have the benefit of mentorship by the outfitter we purchased from who operated in this same are for 45 years. We will do all we can to provide you with a quality hunt that we promise will create lasting memories for years to come. Since our purchase was completed late this spring, we were late getting the news out, so we still have some guaranteed elk tags and OTC deer tags available, but only up until July 31. So, if you did not draw or worse yet, finally drew that coveted Wasatch Mountains tag in Utah only to see your entire area go up in smoke, maybe now would be a good time to rediscover Idaho! Give us a call at (208) 756-2548 (before July 31st or the tags revert back to Fish and Game where they have been sold out since March) or visit our website at www.CastleCreekOutfitters.com and help us fill those pages with pictures of your own Idaho trophy! Related Posts An Idaho Elk Hunt to Remember This is a “short” story about a hunter/client/friend of ours who is part of a group of guys we affectionately call the “Cali boys”. His name is Bill Bunch and someone in his group has hunted with us consistently for 11 straight seasons. He is one of those guys that in my opinion is a true sportsman. Let me explain. Avoid the December 1 Black Friday Idaho Nonresident Tag Sale: Book with an Idaho Outfitter If you have hunted Idaho in recent years or are intending to this year, you probably know that Idaho’s nonresident deer and elk tags go on sale December 1. This year it just happens to fall on a Friday. We have heard from hunters and some Idaho Fish and Game personnel that it can be quite the “Black Friday” adventure trying to get in line (online or in person) to get your chance at an Idaho nonresident elk or deer tag. 10 Reasons Why Idaho is THE Best Place to Hunt in the West in 2014 1. Tags…Idaho has tags 2. Game…Idaho has always, and is doing even more so now, producing good QUALITY elk, deer and bear, and now we can even hunt wolves. Don’t be a fool this April 1. Get out and hunt Idaho spring bears and apply for a trophy species. April 1 is the beginning of a lot of cool things here in Idaho. It is the official beginning day of the backcountry spring bear seasons and it is the day to begin the application process for Idaho trophy species. Idaho defines trophy species as Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats and Moose. If you have the desire to hunt one of these species in Idaho this year, it is time to put in your application. Idaho Fish & Game Commission Extends Wolf Hunting and Trapping Seasons Idaho Fish and Game recently extended wolf hunting seasons, opened more areas to wolf trapping and extended trapping seasons over most of the state. Changes went into effect immediately on February 20, 2020. Wolf hunting season in Frank Church Wilderness game units 20A, 26, and 27 has been extended by one month. Idaho OTC Deer Tags: A Finite Resource Idaho has some great opportunities for hunting trophy mule deer with OTC tags on public land—as good as or better than anywhere in the West. General, OTC, any-weapon deer tags are valid in any game unit in the state which is not limited to controlled-hunt tags only. This includes the general deer seasons in Units 27 and 28 where Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters operate. Comment (0) Comments are closed.