22 December Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! December 22, 2023By George McQuiston (blog) Announcements, General Information Black Bear Hunts, Castle Creek Outfitters, Christmas, Elk Hunts, Guided Hunts, Happy New Year, Idaho wilderness hunts, Lion Hunts, Mule Deer Hunts, Public Land, Wild Idaho Outfitters, Wolf Hunts 0 From the “catch and hold” gang along with the guide and packing crew at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!We genuinely hope that as you gather around with family and friends during this Holiday season, that you will have time to reflect on many or all of your past public land excursions while possibly dreaming and planning towards your next outdoor adventure on public land.At this time of year, it only seems appropriate to be grateful for the many good things in our lives and we here in Idaho believe that our public lands system is one of the great things in our lives! We are in the midst of a very mild winter, and it appears the wildlife so far are getting a respite from the deep snow they dealt with last year, so we are optimistic as we look ahead to the 2024 Idaho big game hunting seasons. If you already have made plans to join us, Thank you! If you are considering joining us, we hope you do. Either way, we sincerely hope that you get outdoors and get to enjoy our country’s incredible and vast public lands in 2024!Happy hunting! Related Posts Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! From the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters, nestled snuggly under the peaks of the Southeastern edge of the Salmon River Mountains, one of the gateways to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness area, we want to take a moment and wish all who read this a very Happy and Joyful Holiday Season! Merry Christmas 2017 As I was searching for the proper words to articulate well wishes for a Merry Christmas, I was reading some copy on our website, which is undergoing some changes, and for whatever reason the 2015 Merry Christmas blog came up, so I read it. I must confess, even though I wrote those words then, I sincerely believe that I would be hard pressed to either improve or to even change what I wrote as it is truly how I feel today. “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Me” or “Preseason Hunt Planning Part 1!” Even though this sounds directed to me and possibly self-serving, it is anything but that. If it were about me, I would be posing on this rig taking a big smiling selfie to tell the world how wonderful I am. Well, I assure you, there ain’t nothin’ sexy about a 54 year old chubby guy climbing up on his new elliptical trying to shed a few of those post hunting, pre- and post-Holiday calories, so all you get to see is an empty elliptical as a symbol of potential for memories to be made. Just like our public lands stand as a symbol to that same ideal. It is honestly directed towards all of us who find ourselves somewhat vertically challenged and girth blessed with each New Year’s Day that passes and wonder if we are alone in this journey from “healthy” holiday sofa surfer to healthy mountain man/explorer looking to scale that peak ahead to look for a trophy animal on the other side. Merry Christmas from the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters From the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and safe Holiday season! As I write this on Christmas eve morning, it has just begun to snow the type of snow fall and in the surroundings that I live in, that makes it look just like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. Merry Christmas Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas from “the gang” at Wild Idaho outfitters! It is always a pleasure to watch as the horses are turned out for their much deserved 6 month vacation. We hope this Christmas finds you enjoying rest and peace with family and or friends this Holiday season. Now that we are past the shortest day of the year, I know I look forward to the days getting longer and that snow turning to belly deep Timothy grass again and watching for the spring flowers to arrive. Merry Christmas 2019 From the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters, we want to wish you and yours the best Christmas you could possibly have. During the holiday seasons, I imagine that we all find ourselves looking back over the past year and looking forward to a great new year ahead. With all the bad news that seems to permeate the mainstream media these days, it sometimes makes one wonder exactly what direction this great country of ours is heading; so, I wanted to take a minute to share with you a Christmas miracle that I not only got to witness, but be a part of and it really gave me hope that their really are some pretty awesome people out there…the media just chooses not to report about them. Comment (0) Comments are closed.