
Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

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Merry Christmas 2017

As I was searching for the proper words to articulate well wishes for a Merry Christmas, I was reading some copy on our website, which is undergoing some changes, and for whatever reason the 2015 Merry Christmas blog came up, so I read it. I must confess, even though I wrote those words then, I sincerely believe that I would be hard pressed to either improve or to even change what I wrote as it is truly how I feel today.

So to all those who do read this Christmas wish, I do hope that you enjoy what is written, recognizing and knowing that it is written from the heart. I am truly grateful to all whose paths have crossed mine and am forever grateful to God above for allowing me to meet so many wonderful people and enjoy this life we live and in the country we live it in!

May God bless you and our country this Christmas!

Merry Christmas From Wild Idaho Outfitters

From the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters, nestled snuggly under the peaks of the Southeastern edge of the Salmon River Mountains, one of the gateways to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness area, we want to take a moment and wish all who read this a very Happy and Joyful Holiday Season!

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a prosperous and blessed New Year!

As you go about your Holiday gatherings, we do hope you will take time to thank God and a veteran for this great country of ours which offers so many freedoms. Is it perfect? Heck no, but it appears to be the best option out there.

All of us find ourselves at the tail end of another year on this great big ball of mud we generally like to refer to as earth. It has been a terrific year here at Wild Idaho Outfitters and we genuinely hope those who read this feel as equally blessed. We met many new hunters as well as were able to enjoy the company of several repeat hunters who we actually consider friends. We work with what I would consider some of the best guides in the industry. We get to live and work in what we (Kelly and I) like to refer to as paradise! From the mountain peaks, to the backcountry trails, to the navigable rivers that begin as streams you can jump across, this country… this Idaho, has so much to offer the outdoor enthusiast. We do hope as you are looking back on this past year and looking forward to the year ahead, that if you feel as though you did not spend enough time outside enjoying God’s natural creation, you will consider giving yourself permission to take some time in the year ahead to get outside…no matter what state you are in! If you can make it to Idaho, all the better, but wherever you are, step out into the sunshine. Step out into the cold. Look up to the heavens. Look out to the horizon. Watch a sunset. Set the alarm early and experience a sunrise (outside of course). Jump in that fancy SUV and get some mud on those tires. Visit YOUR public lands.

I know I have said this before, but it certainly bears repeating and it is truly my opinion, that our system of public land ownership where you can go out and enjoy literally millions of acres as if you owned them yourself (well actually you do), is unequaled anywhere that I am aware of. Remember as you visit these public lands, that they are here for you, your family and your friends to enjoy and recreate on. Just remember to take only pictures and leave only foot prints.

Also, as you cross paths with other outdoor adventure seekers, please remember what your momma taught you about smiling and being courteous to all you meet. I personally have made some very good friends with people whose paths I simply crossed in the backcountry. Think about it, we at least have the similar interest in being where our paths crossed; seems like as good of spot to begin a friendship as any.

It’s been said that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. I gotta believe you could remove the word horse (although why would you want to skip the horse), and the statement would be equally as true.

So as you are setting your goals for next year, be sure to include some “you time” or family time in the outdoors. And as always, if you can, take a kid along!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the “gang” at Wild Idaho Outfitters!

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