18 May Idaho Resumes Sales of Nonresident Licenses and Tags May 18, 2020By George McQuiston (blog) Announcements, General Information, Guided Hunts, Spring Fall Black Bear, Wolf Idaho Black Bear Hunts, Idaho Hunts, Spring Black Bear Hunts, Wolf Hunts 0 We’re back on track again for spring bear. As of May 16, 2020, Idaho hunting licenses, tags, and permits will be available to buy online, at retail vendors, or by calling (800) 554-8685.A temporary suspension of some nonresident licenses, permits, and tags sales had been imposed by the Idaho Fish & Game Commission the first week of April, due to COVID-19. This mostly affected tags for black bear, cougar, and gray wolf. The 14-day self-quarantine for people entering Idaho has also been relaxed by the governor. So, if you want to hunt spring bear in Idaho this year, you can now purchase a hunting license and tags, as well as stay in hotels and eat in restaurants here.For more information on licenses, tags and seasons, see:https://idfg.idaho.gov/press/fg-will-resume-sales-nonresident-licenses-tags-and-permits-10-am-may-16Good hunting,Joe Cavanaugh Related Posts Clarification on Idaho Fish & Game Nonresident License/Tag Suspension There’s been some confusion about the temporary suspension of some nonresident licenses, permits, and tags sales by the Idaho Fish & Game Commission, due to COVID-19. So, let me clarify as far as big-game licenses and tags are concerned. Idaho OTC Elk Tags: Hurry or Be Left Out There is no other state in the Western US comparable to Idaho when it comes to providing you the opportunity to go elk hunting every year, using OTC (over-the-counter) tags. However, as controlled-hunt tags in neighboring states become increasingly difficult to draw, the demand for Idaho OTC tags has been increasing also. An example of this is the nonresident Salmon B elk tags, which sold out this year in just 3 days (Dec. 1–3, 2019), and resident tags sold out within a week of that. Avoid the December 1 Black Friday Idaho Nonresident Tag Sale: Book with an Idaho Outfitter If you have hunted Idaho in recent years or are intending to this year, you probably know that Idaho’s nonresident deer and elk tags go on sale December 1. This year it just happens to fall on a Friday. We have heard from hunters and some Idaho Fish and Game personnel that it can be quite the “Black Friday” adventure trying to get in line (online or in person) to get your chance at an Idaho nonresident elk or deer tag. Idaho OTC Deer Tags: A Finite Resource Idaho has some great opportunities for hunting trophy mule deer with OTC tags on public land—as good as or better than anywhere in the West. General, OTC, any-weapon deer tags are valid in any game unit in the state which is not limited to controlled-hunt tags only. This includes the general deer seasons in Units 27 and 28 where Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters operate. An Idaho Elk Hunt to Remember This is a “short” story about a hunter/client/friend of ours who is part of a group of guys we affectionately call the “Cali boys”. His name is Bill Bunch and someone in his group has hunted with us consistently for 11 straight seasons. He is one of those guys that in my opinion is a true sportsman. Let me explain. Nonresident Outfitter Allocated Hunting Tags May be on the Chopping Block The winds of change are blowing, and in many western states they are reaching gale force. Sadly, Idaho is no different. What do I mean? With the amazing population growth that the west is experiencing, it may be good for those city type businesses that rely on sheer numbers to survive, but out here in rural Idaho, it is simply putting a pinch on an already limited resource, our public land system, most importantly on our public lands hunting opportunities Comment (0) Comments are closed.