
Elk, Mule Deer, Bear & Wolf Hunting Blog

Here you will find information about our hunts, our area as well as special offers and issues that affect us or are important to us.

Not too soon to start thinking about next year

Hunting TagsWell, it appears that Idaho has been rediscovered. That can be a good or a bad thing, depending which side of the fence you are standing on.

This year’s nonresident tags in the units we guide, Area 27 and 28, sold out in record time and according to the fish and game commission, they seem pretty bent on reducing the amount of nonresident tags available in the future further exacerbating the tag acquisition process.

Thankfully and gratefully, we as a licensed Idaho hunting outfitter are allotted a certain amount of guaranteed elk tags and outfitters in general have access to deer tag set asides.

What does that mean to you? Essentially it means that if you book with an Idaho Outfitter (hopefully us), you will go hunting.  In most states in the west, you can put your deposit in with an outfitter, but are still subject to the odds (whatever they may be) of drawing a tag for the species you are hoping to hunt.

Here in Idaho, if you plunk down your money with an outfitter, you will be able to hunt.  Speaking of which, we still have some tags left in area 27 for this year and we are certainly taking reservations for next year so get your name on the calendar for that western elk hunt you have always dreamed of taking!

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