28 November Happy Thanksgiving! November 28, 2019By Monica Oliver Announcements, General Information Bear Hunts, Black Bear Hunts, Deer Hunts, Drop Camps, Elk Hunts, Idaho hunting, Idaho wilderness hunts, Thanksgiving, Wolf Hunts 0 Happy Thanksgiving from the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters. We just finished bringing out our last camp, pulling the shoes on the horses and kicking them out to pasture, drying out the tents, stacking the camp gear and are now settling in for what everyone thinks of as our “off season”. We will certainly take this day, November 28, 2019, off to spend time with family and friends, to embrace and to reflect on the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us and we certainly hope that you all are doing the same. We are truly grateful for the people, many who have become friends, that we have met over the last 15 years. We have come to find that, after 15 seasons under our belts here at Wild Idaho, our favorite part of our jobs has absolutely NOTHING to do with pulling our last camps…or any camps for that matter. It is, indeed, the people we meet! Each new hunting season that comes along brings with it the chance to meet new friends and to revisit old friendships with our “regulars”. Please accept our sincerest wishes for not only a Happy Thanksgiving, but for an incredible 4-day weekend that most of you will get to enjoy! Stay tuned for an amazing offer coming your way next week! Related Posts Happy Thanksgiving from the Gang at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters As the girls rode the livestock out on their final ride of the season, heading for greener pastures at lower elevation and a winter rest, we couldn’t help but reminisce on how fast the last 3 months have gone and how grateful we are for what we get to do, the country we get to do it in, and especially for the people we get to meet. That wasn’t supposed to happen aka Happy Late Thanksgiving Man, I hate technology! Okay, I do appreciate my heated seats and steering wheel in the Ram pickup when the temps reach single digits, but it sure is frustrating when you have been on the mountain for 3 months and finally make it home only to find out your email server has been down for the last week and there is no remedy in sight. Happy Thanksgiving 2018 from Wild Idaho Outfitters As the sun just set on the final day of our 2018 Idaho elk and deer hunting season, it turns out we drop right back into another “season”: The Holiday Season! With the first, of course, being Thanksgiving. I personally am glad that Thanksgiving falls when it does this year as it leaves no time for PHD (post hunting depression) to set in. Instead, it is a time to reflect on this past year and all the many incredible blessings we have in our lives. I have said it before and it bears repeating, the best part of our job is the people we get to meet. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! From the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters, nestled snuggly under the peaks of the Southeastern edge of the Salmon River Mountains, one of the gateways to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness area, we want to take a moment and wish all who read this a very Happy and Joyful Holiday Season! Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving from the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters. With the storm moving across the west this day we do hope you find yourselves snuggled up next to a warm fire, hot cup of coffee or cocoa nearby, and are able to take a few quiet moments to reflect on all the blessings we individually and collectively share as Americans. I for one am grateful for this country. As we read about refugees trying to escape their country Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! From the “catch and hold” gang along with the guide and packing crew at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We genuinely hope that as you gather around with family and friends during this Holiday season, that you will have time to reflect on many or all of your past public land excursions while possibly dreaming and planning towards your next outdoor adventure on public land. Comment (0) Comments are closed.