15 January Guides, Packers and Cooks Wanted January 15, 2025By George McQuiston (blog) General Information Cooks, Employment Opportunity, Guide, Guides, Idaho Employment Opportunity, Idaho Jobs, Packer, Packers, Wrangler, Wranglers 0 Have you ever just dreamed, okay, wondered, okay, fine, was curious about what it takes to be a guide, packer or cook with a backcountry hunting outfit, but just knew you couldn’t quit your “day job’ to find out. Well, curiously enough, we are looking for people interested in doing any or all these jobs and we are not looking for career-minded people! That’s right. We are NOT looking for full-time help.Over the course of outfitting for the past 20 seasons and guiding 5 more on top of that, I have discovered that some of our best guides, packers and cooks are what I like to call our “celebrity guides”. They blow into town from whatever part of the world that that they call home, work their guts out like they own the place for 2 weeks and then they are off to places far, far away from Idaho, leaving with stories of adventures that could have only happened in “The Frank”.If this sounds like something that you might enjoy trying for a season or 20, contact us and let’s see what and how you might want to contribute as part of our team! I have always joked with potential clients that every outfitter thinks they have the best staff of guides, cooks and packers, but we really do! I believe it is because of the passion that our staff brings to their respective positions. Most, if not all, do leave their (substantially higher paying jobs) on “vacation” to work in the outdoors simply out of a love for this particular piece of real estate in Idaho and a passion for sharing it with others. Then they have to return to their regular jobs just to rest up for next season. These folks are truly amazing and want to share this place with others.I believe that we have assembled an amazing group of “celebrity guides” over the years and are very proud of each and every one of them and what they have contributed to sharing our public lands with others. But, as in life, there oftentimes comes a moving on phase, knowing we can look back with pride about what we have accomplished and contributed. With this in mind, we are always looking for new team members who would like to contribute, be it for a season or, as for some, 20 seasons. It is up to you to decide. The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area is truly a one-of-a-kind place that lends itself to adventures unlike any other place that I am familiar with. It is one of the only places I know of in the lower 48 where you can truly partake in a “combo” hunt where you have the opportunity to pursue elk, deer, bear, wolf and mountain lion all during the same season. Plus, it is truly one of the most rugged pieces of real estate you will ever be able to experience in the lower 48.So, if sharing this place with others sounds, at the very least, “interesting” to you contact us and let’s visit about what opportunities exist in sharing these public lands with others!Happy “public lands” recreating! Related Posts Idaho Outdoor Adventure Auction Is Up and Running If you have ever wanted to explore Idaho’s outdoors , now may be a great time to get a great “deal” on that outdoor adventure you have always wanted. Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association (IOGA) is auctioning off 7 outdoor adventures at www.biddingforgood.com/ioga. We are Having a Wolf Predator Hunt Sale Cabin fever may be setting in and with bear hunting still over a month away, we wanted to come up with a cure for cabin fever so we are having a hunting sale! We are offering a 4 day 3 night wolf/predator hunting sale for only $995. That’s right we know predator hunting is tough and doubly so in Idaho’s back country so we wanted to make it affordable to get out of the house for a cabin fever cure. Merry Christmas 2019 From the gang here at Wild Idaho Outfitters and Castle Creek Outfitters, we want to wish you and yours the best Christmas you could possibly have. During the holiday seasons, I imagine that we all find ourselves looking back over the past year and looking forward to a great new year ahead. With all the bad news that seems to permeate the mainstream media these days, it sometimes makes one wonder exactly what direction this great country of ours is heading; so, I wanted to take a minute to share with you a Christmas miracle that I not only got to witness, but be a part of and it really gave me hope that their really are some pretty awesome people out there…the media just chooses not to report about them. Only 15 days left to save 15%! There are only 15 days left to save 15% on our 15th year anniversary special for 2020 hunts with Wild Idaho Outfitters or Castle Creek Outfitters. As we look back on the last 15 years, we find ourselves so very grateful for the opportunities we have had and the people we have met along the way, so we wanted to share our little slice of wild Idaho at a discounted price for a limited time only. Speaking of a limited time: Salmon B elk tags (the area we guide in for Castle Creek Outfitters) have sold out already for 2020. They sold out in only 9 days! Deer tags are selling at a brisk pace as well! Spot Available for Late Season Idaho Mule Deer Hunt in the Rut Putting in for draw hunts in multiple states, at first glance, seems like it would increase your odds of drawing a tag…and you would be right…BUT it also increases your chances at drawing the potentially unwanted scenario of drawing 2 tags in 2 states and being married to a woman who only allows 1 hunt per year Idaho Trophy Species Applications are Being Accepted If you have ever wanted to hunt bighorn sheep, moose or mountain goat in the great state of Idaho, April is the time to apply for those hunts. Remember Idaho does not have a points system, so everyone is on equal footing when they apply for these coveted tags. Comment (0)