4 July Four Generations Bear Hunt July 4, 2019By George McQuiston Announcements, General Information, Guided Hunts, Spring Fall Black Bear Bear Hunts, Idaho Hunts, Spring Bear Season 0 Well, spring had sprung and old glory was flyin’ The creek got high and kept on risin' But, soon enough the baits got active and bears started dyin’ Spring bear season started fairly slowly this year with the late and heavy winter we had, but when the baits heated up, wow! They were very active and things really started happening and as the sun finally set on the last day of our 2019 Idaho spring bear hunting season it ended on a very high note! We had 2 hunters in camp, and each scored on a bear and, as all who were involved would tell you, it was the youth hunter harvesting his bear that managed to make the whole week so enjoyable. The weather was unseasonably comfortable, the baits were incredibly active and as the last night came about for this young man to sit, our decision came down to which bait, of the several that were active, to sit that night. Well, as you can imagine, we guessed correctly, and this young man scored on a very respectable cinnamon boar. It was very rewarding because this young fellow was accompanied by both his Dad and his Grandpa. What we were not aware of, and became one of the true highlights we learned about as we were taking photos, was that he was using his Great Granddad’s rifle to accomplish the task. Wow! A four-generation spring bear hunt right here in Idaho! As we begin tearing out our camps, and beginning our trail clearing season, we are already looking forward to our fall bear season that begins this August 30 and even looking ahead to spring of 2020! We have a few openings available for this fall and obviously some for next year’s Idaho spring bear hunting season. If this year was any indication, next year ought to be a blast as we seem to learn something new every year! See you in the hills! Related Posts An Idaho Elk Hunt to Remember This is a “short” story about a hunter/client/friend of ours who is part of a group of guys we affectionately call the “Cali boys”. His name is Bill Bunch and someone in his group has hunted with us consistently for 11 straight seasons. He is one of those guys that in my opinion is a true sportsman. Let me explain. Have You Got Your Bear Bait Ready for the Idaho 2023 Bear Hunting Seasons? Pretty pink, pretty blue, purple, orange, yellow, tan, chocolate, etc. does it really matter what the name is for bears to like it? The answer is obviously a resounding NO! If it is full of sugar and by default calories, bears are gonna love it and you will have success with this or almost anything edible as bear bait. The main questions in my mind are A) can I get enough of it in a consistent supply, B) can I even afford to feed it to bears and C) how do I keep from producing world record sized squirrels on my Granola, Trail mix, Honey Roasted Nut formula I am currently using? Bulk Bear Bait for a Successful Spring Bear Hunt We have begun selling bear bait at our Challis, Idaho location. We are excited about the possibilities of being a “one stop shop” for all things bear hunting and bear baiting related. We have been baiting bears in the Idaho backcountry for ten seasons now and have constantly worked to improve our system of baiting and over time have developed what we believe is a very “complete” system for baiting and are excited to share our system of scents, sprays and bulk baits. Save Big on Idaho Spring Bear Hunts This year marks our twentieth season here in Idaho and we are celebrating with 20 percent off on our Idaho spring bear hunts! We love what we do and love sharing the woods with hunters from all over and hope to continue for another 20 plus years of guiding bear hunters. Can you even imagine saving 20 percent on a bear hunt? Ha ha We truly love spring bear season 10 Reasons Why Idaho is THE Best Place to Hunt in the West in 2014 1. Tags…Idaho has tags 2. Game…Idaho has always, and is doing even more so now, producing good QUALITY elk, deer and bear, and now we can even hunt wolves. Bear Hunting with Our Next Generation I had an exceedingly refreshing hunting experience this past spring-bear season. In camp we had 2 youths; one was a 12-year-old boy, Austin, who was hunting with his father, the other was my 18-year-old daughter, Suzy, who was our camp cook. Comment (0) Comments are closed.