3 April April is the Time to Apply for Trophy Species Bighorn Sheep, Moose and Mountain Goat April 3, 2015By George McQuiston Announcements, General Information, Guided Hunts Guided Hunts 0 Beginning April 1 you can apply for what Idaho terms as “trophy species” including bighorn sheep, mountain goat and moose. As much as I disdain having to draw for any hunting opportunity, these 3 species are rare enough that it is impossible to maintain a healthy herd AND offer an over the counter opportunity, so they regulate through a drawing process. The beauty, and yes I did say beauty, of Idaho’s draw system is that everyone has the same chance of drawing. There is not a bonus point system which really levels the playing field when it comes to draw hunts. If you are hunting with us or any other outfitter, you will already have your license which is required to be purchased before applying, you may want to go ahead and apply this year. Again, you have the same odds of drawing as the next guy. Contact us if you would like information on hunting or applying for these trophy species. Related Posts Don’t be a fool this April 1. Get out and hunt Idaho spring bears and apply for a trophy species. April 1 is the beginning of a lot of cool things here in Idaho. It is the official beginning day of the backcountry spring bear seasons and it is the day to begin the application process for Idaho trophy species. Idaho defines trophy species as Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats and Moose. If you have the desire to hunt one of these species in Idaho this year, it is time to put in your application. April is the Time to Apply for Trophy Species in Idaho If you are considering hunting Mountain Goat, Moose or Bighorn Sheep in Idaho, April is the time to apply. Idaho Trophy Species Applications are Being Accepted If you have ever wanted to hunt bighorn sheep, moose or mountain goat in the great state of Idaho, April is the time to apply for those hunts. Remember Idaho does not have a points system, so everyone is on equal footing when they apply for these coveted tags. Don’t be a fooled this April 1st April 1st is a very important day in the life of an Idaho hunter. It is the first day you can put in for trophy species bighorn sheep, moose and mountain goat as well as, my favorite day, the first day of the spring 2016 backcountry bear hunting season. Time to Apply for Elk and Deer Tags in those OTHER States As fond as I am of all the opportunities there are to hunt in the great state of Idaho, I am the first to recognize that true hunter/sportsmen and women are always “in search of new adventure” or wanting to “explore new horizons” so they apply for hunts in multiple states in search of that elusive tag that comes with promises of trophy quality elk and deer. Time is Running Out to Apply for Idaho Controlled Hunt Tags The application deadline to apply for elk, deer, and pronghorn controlled hunts in Idaho is June 5th. Idaho does not use a bonus/preference point system for controlled hunts, so you have the same chance at drawing a tag as anyone else. Comment (0) Comments are closed.