15 January 2018 Idaho Elk Hunting Season Is Only 8 Short Months Away January 15, 2018By George McQuiston Elk In Rut, General Information, Guided Hunts Elk Hunts. 2018 elk hunts, Idaho Hunts 0 The Holidays are finally over. And although we all enjoyed the family gatherings, excessive food and sometimes excessive adult beverages, it is now time to throttle back a little on the drink, push away from those leftover Christmas cookies and knuckle down and face the important truth that lies ahead: Hunting season is only 8 short months away and we have work to do…okay, maybe you don’t but I sure do! I have noticed that as I age at what would appear as the same rate as the Salmon River Mountains, I notice that they do not get any flatter or softer with time. In fact they appear and (feel) like they get a little steeper each year. I find that each year I need to start on my exercise routine a little earlier and hit it a little harder to be able to guide in this rugged mountain country that we all love so much. It may not be pretty folks, but a diet and exercise program started more than a week before your scheduled hunt, can often times make the difference between success and almost success and even something as simple as enjoying the outing a bit more with less aches and pains. It may be time to dust off that old treadmill or other piece of exercise equipment and head for the hills…if only in your mind. Please note. I am no exercise guru. I am simply an aging, overweight, middle aged man who has to exercise to be able to keep enjoying the backcountry. And I intend to continue to enjoy the backcountry as long as the good Lord allows me to and good folks are still willing to come visit us. My hopes are simply that as you go through your year ahead that you will take time to get or keep yourself in shape for the really important things in life like family and hunting season! Here is to a successful 2018 in whatever you do and wherever you decide to hunt!...and always, if you can, take a kid along! Related Posts 2010 Idaho Hunting Season Comes to a Close Hunting season in Idaho’s backcountry unit 27 comes to an official close on November 18 and this year the snow began to roll in about then. So after 2 days of packing out camp it was time to chain up and haul livestock over the pass to winter quarters and begin the drying out of tents, tack and equipment. Riding in to pack camp after the last hunter leaves is always sort of a bitter sweet journey. Idaho Fish & Game Commission Extends Wolf Hunting and Trapping Seasons Idaho Fish and Game recently extended wolf hunting seasons, opened more areas to wolf trapping and extended trapping seasons over most of the state. Changes went into effect immediately on February 20, 2020. Wolf hunting season in Frank Church Wilderness game units 20A, 26, and 27 has been extended by one month. The 2016 Idaho fall hunting seasons are almost here We are just a few short days away from the 2016 fall hunting season here in Idaho. August 30 is the opener of most fall bear hunting units along with statewide general archery season for elk and deer. Here in Central Idaho’s wilderness backcountry units, we are fortunate to enjoy a two-month long rifle season, so our first opener is bear season and we are getting ready. Our first baits have now been set, camps are getting readied, and firewood is being cut and stacked and come next Tuesday we will welcome our first fall 2016 hunters here at Wild Idaho Outfitters. Sun Sets on 2015 Wild Idaho Hunting Seasons 2015 will go down as one of Wild Idaho Outfitters most successful hunting seasons of our career. Beginning with spring Bear hunting where we enjoyed a full 75% opportunity rate to our fall hunting seasons where we went just under 100% opportunity rate on an animal. And most importantly, almost everyone who hunted with us this year lived. Those few exceptions were probably a little ill anyway. Yes folks that is one of my corny outfitter jokes. An Idaho Elk Hunt to Remember This is a “short” story about a hunter/client/friend of ours who is part of a group of guys we affectionately call the “Cali boys”. His name is Bill Bunch and someone in his group has hunted with us consistently for 11 straight seasons. He is one of those guys that in my opinion is a true sportsman. Let me explain. Idaho Spring Bear Hunting Season Officially Opens Today is the day we have waited all winter for! It is officially Idaho spring bear hunting season. If you are not hunting with us (which we obviously hope you are) then hope you are hunting with another Idaho bear hunting outfitter. Comment (0) Comments are closed.